Book review of GRANDEST REVELATION - THE EXORDIUM by Anubhav Anand.
A pinch of mystery, some sauteed stories, and a well tadka of melodrama, cooked with pulpy characters are usually taken as a golden standard for a book to taste deliciously to your eyes, especiall y when it tends to fall under the genres of science fiction, mystery, melodrama, and fantasy. But both cooking and writing are considered jobs demanding tonnes of creativity and equal amounts of patience. And when you overcook or undercook a dish, the thin muscular tongue wouldn't hesitate to spit out some harsh words too. Does only the beginning of a book matter? Or is it the central theme? Could there be a mystery, not seen with the naked eye but rather be seen by the deeper emotional seat of your heart? With millions of questions and trepidations like these, I sought answers from my most recent read of 2022, GRANDEST REVELATION - THE EXORDIUM by Anubhav Anand. One-line review: ' Anubahv came up with a plot, which makes it hard to place him under the category of the BUDDIN...